We went to the zoo on September 11, 2007 with Stacie & Elena. It was a beautiful day. Abby watched the fish intently and then fell asleep, so she didn't see any other animals. She had her first carousel ride at the end when she was very hungry. She was, as you see, very miserable. Once the ride started moving, however, she stopped crying and seemed to enjoy it. It was a fun day!
wish I could uv been there...
Abby is so darn cute!! I'm so glad I got to meet her while I was home-- she is getting so big now and is just adorable-- looks like you guys are having a lot of fun! Pray all is well. Love, Karen
I looked at these pics again and noticed that in the top pic she looks a lot like Jer, and in the bottom pic a lot like you, wierd...
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