My big girl is 2 1/2. She is constantly making us smile, and we absolutely adore her. She is beautiful on the outside as well as the inside. Abigail is very into dressing up, singing, taking care of her babies, learning, puzzles (which she is really good at) reading and being with family. She has such a heart for being a big sister. She is full of hugs and kisses for Kenzie. She doesn't show jealousy but is, most of the time, wonderful at sharing and loving. She is a smart girl who catches on quickly to all learning activities. She loves to figure out how things work also. She is super verbal and always shocks us by the words she uses and how easily she can communicate with us. She is beginning to recognize her emotions and how they're affected by hunger or tiredness. She can be a bit dramatic when it comes to being upset, which we are trying to coach her through. She is quite obedient, even though she has her moments. She loves being around family. Joy is definitely a word I would use to describe her. People enjoy her, and she is ready with smiles often. She continues to eat like a bird, getting very distracted at meal times. She has a kind heart and is concerned when people are sad. She likes to share with her friends. She is also very good at remember to say please, thank you and sorry. Very independent, she likes to do everything all by herself, stating, "I can do it." She'll often undo something I've done for her just to prove that she can do it all by herself. She's right - most of the stuff she claims she can do by herself, she can. Some of those things include, getting herself in and out of the car, buckling her car seat, getting herself buckled in her booster seat (which we have reverted back to because of her squirmy behavior at meal times), dressing herself, going pee pee on the potty by herself, etc. She is hard to convince that she cannot drive, cut her own food, tie shoes, change her own poopy diaper, etc. Her independence is nice because she can play easily by herself. She is assertive, knowing what she likes. She has been asking "why?" a lot lately. She loves to be tickled and to laugh. She can get hyper and weird at times. Favorite movies/TV shows right now include Dora, Sesame Street and Tinkerbell. Abigail likes to go to Bible Study and church activities. She seems to be more drawn to the arts. This girls amazes me, makes me laugh, and brings such a fun dynamic to this family. I love you, Shrimp!
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